Stop Suffering From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Stop Suffering From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Each of your hands has 27 bones, 27 joints, 34 muscles, and more than 100 ligaments and tendons. And because these hard-working extremities are so complicated and intricate, it’s no wonder that one or both can become compromised. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common hand ailment that frequently benefits from the services of a […]

Manual or Powered: Which Toothbrush is Right for You?

Manual or Powered: Which Toothbrush is Right for You?

Some people always use a manual toothbrush, while others swear by their rechargeable or battery-powered devices. Other folks like to alternate between the two. Each version has its advantages. But in the end, your mission is to always clean your teeth efficiently. At the office of Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers, our experienced professionals are […]

Your Four Types of Teeth, Explained

Your Four Types of Teeth, Explained

Have you ever considered how much your teeth do for you every day? Not only do they help you chew and digest your food, but they help you speak and provide the centerpiece of a smile that shapes your face. But how much do you know about these small, hard-working pearly whites? Our dentist at […]

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

If you’re considering or preparing for your first visit to our chiropractor at Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers, you might have a few questions about what we do. We’re glad to answer any questions new patients have about the natural, medication-free practices we use to promote wellness, especially in caring for the body’s neuromusculoskeletal system […]

Say Goodbye To Bad Breath!

Halitosis, otherwise known as bad breath, can take a toll on your social life and self-confidence. While bad breath might be the result of an underlying medical or digestive issue, a medication, or smoking, it is often due to oral health issues such as periodontal disease, dry mouth, or an infection. Bad breath can also […]

Let A Chiropractor Banish or Ease Your Chronic Pain

Let A Chiropractor Banish or Ease Your Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is frustrating, depressing and debilitating, and it hinders the daily activities of its sufferers. A reduction of or relief from chronic pain is one of the main reasons why people go to chiropractors. Chiropractors can also identify the pain’s ancillary issues. For example, people with constant back pain may compensate by walking with […]

Take These Actions to Avoid Bleeding Gums

Your gums play an essential role in the wellbeing of your teeth and overall oral healthcare. Strong gums hold each tooth in place, protect the lower portions or your teeth and lessen your risk of developing bad breath, dental decay and a host of diseases. If one or more parts of your gums start to bleed, you need to see […]

Pain In The Neck? Chiropractic Heals Without Surgery, Drugs

Pain In The Neck? Chiropractic Heals Without Surgery, Drugs

Neck pain is one of the most common conditions among people seeking medical care, with an estimated one out of every three adults complaining of related discomfort every year. There are myriad causes for neck pain, ranging from stress, to poor posture, to an injury brought on by an accident. It becomes especially prevalent as […]

Here’s How to Use Dental Floss For the Best Results

There are right ways and wrong ways to execute certain tasks. Using dental floss is one of those tasks. At the office of Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers, our skilled professionals are experts at diagnosing dental issues as well as providing the treatment needed to maintain excellent oral health. Your care and comfort are our […]

Let A Chiropractor Keep You in the Game

Let A Chiropractor Keep You in the Game

Engaging in sports is a wonderful way to have fun, stay in shape and build camaraderie with those who share your interest. But athletics can also be the source of common physical injuries. By emphasizing the importance of care from a chiropractor, the office of Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers is dedicated to helping every […]

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