Suffer From Headaches? Chiropractic Treatment Can Help
An estimated eight million people throughout the United States suffer from chronic headaches, leading them to seek medical care. Many people turn to over-the-counter medications to stop the pain. Our doctor of chiropractic at Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers has a better way of addressing these common, and treatable, conditions. Our practice promotes wellness through […]
Stop Suffering From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Each of your hands has 27 bones, 27 joints, 34 muscles, and more than 100 ligaments and tendons. And because these hard-working extremities are so complicated and intricate, it’s no wonder that one or both can become compromised. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a common hand ailment that frequently benefits from the services of a […]
What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?
If you’re considering or preparing for your first visit to our chiropractor at Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers, you might have a few questions about what we do. We’re glad to answer any questions new patients have about the natural, medication-free practices we use to promote wellness, especially in caring for the body’s neuromusculoskeletal system […]
Let A Chiropractor Banish or Ease Your Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is frustrating, depressing and debilitating, and it hinders the daily activities of its sufferers. A reduction of or relief from chronic pain is one of the main reasons why people go to chiropractors. Chiropractors can also identify the pain’s ancillary issues. For example, people with constant back pain may compensate by walking with […]
Pain In The Neck? Chiropractic Heals Without Surgery, Drugs
Neck pain is one of the most common conditions among people seeking medical care, with an estimated one out of every three adults complaining of related discomfort every year. There are myriad causes for neck pain, ranging from stress, to poor posture, to an injury brought on by an accident. It becomes especially prevalent as […]
Let A Chiropractor Keep You in the Game
Engaging in sports is a wonderful way to have fun, stay in shape and build camaraderie with those who share your interest. But athletics can also be the source of common physical injuries. By emphasizing the importance of care from a chiropractor, the office of Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers is dedicated to helping every […]
Let a Chiropractor Get You Back into the Game
It doesn’t matter if you’re a “weekend warrior” or a professional athlete: You might experience an injury that needs to be treated by a chiropractor. Sports injuries must be treated with precision because so many of them involve the delicate musculoskeletal system. If you are an athlete who is determined and hard-driving, you repeatedly push your […]
The Chiropractic Way to Relieve Vertigo
Vertigo is an incapacitating state that causes acute dizziness and makes the sufferer feel as if he (or she) is physically spinning, even if he’s standing still. Being in this condition is quite disconcerting and sometimes downright scary. Vertigo is in essence a neurological condition, so a chiropractor can offer holistic, effective treatment. At the office […]
Ease Your Body’s Tension with a Sacral Massage
People who need relief from tension the emanates from their spinal cord and head have found relief from sacral massages. Known as craniosacral therapy, sacral massage encourages a body to function well starting with the head and spine. The treatment hones in on the bones of the head and spinal column. Light pressure enhances the flow […]
Get Relief From Your Myofascial Pain
People who endure constant pain in their hip, shoulder, back or any other body part that includes muscle need to know that there’s a solution to their distress. And the best news is that this solution involves no invasive treatment. At the office of Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers, our skilled chiropractors perform a procedure […]