Do Chiropractic Adjustments Really Work?
Different health problems can be helped by chiropractic Pontiac, which includes moving the spine, muscles, and joints around with your hands. Is it really worth it, though? Within the scope of this guide, we investigate the research that supports chiropractic adjustments, as well as their expenses, as well as the chiropractic benefits and disadvantages. Conditions Chiropractic […]
When You Should and Shouldn’t See a Chiropractor
A lot of different joint problems can be fixed with chiropractic care. That being said, it’s not always the best way to cope with problems. The most important thing is to have a strong understanding of the question when is seeing a chiropractor is a good idea and are various other therapies are more suited. […]
New to Chiropractic? Here’s What You Need To Know
Are you new to chiropractic and want to know more? Your doctor of chiropractic medicine at Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers is glad to oblige! Despite being a relatively new field in healthcare, did you know that more than 30 million people in the U.S. visit a chiropractor each year? That’s because we offer safe, […]
Treat Sciatica Without Meds or Surgery?
If you’re experiencing tingling or a pins and needles sensation running from your back down the side of your leg, it could be a condition known as sciatica. This condition is triggered by an injury or irritation to the sciatic nerve that runs through the hip, buttocks, and down the side of the body to […]
Sports Chiropractor
One of the unfortunate truths about sports is that athletes, both professional and amateur, all too often experience sports injuries. Every body is prone to the same kind of injuries, and chiropractic sports injuries need to be particularly treated with extra care. Our Sports Chiropractor treats sports injuries with exceptional care and precision, to get you back […]
What is a Holistic Chiropractor?
When we describe our practice at Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers as being a holistic chiropractor, what exactly do we mean by that, and how does it guide the way we approach our patients? First, here’s how the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word holistic: “Relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the […]
Arthritis pain: Is chiropractic treatment right for you?
About half of all adults ages 65 and older have reported receiving an arthritis diagnosis, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This painful inflammation of the joints can lead to restricted mobility and a lower quality of life, leading many people to resort to prescription or over the counter medications for relief. […]
Pain Relief Doesn’t Have To Come In Pill Form. Meet Our Chiropractor
We live in a time when many people have become reliant on medication — both prescription and over the counter — as the answer to pain relief. The well-documented epidemic of opioid use and abuse affects ten of thousands of people yearly, resulting in addiction and overdoses. Our chiropractor at Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers […]
Can a chiropractor really help me sleep better?
It’s distressing to learn that an estimated 50 to 70 million Americans have chronic, or ongoing, sleep disorders, according to the National Institutes of Health. Not getting enough quality sleep can lead to mental and physical health conditions, loss of productivity and an increased likelihood of death, the NIH warns. Take a look at the […]
Get Relief From the Aches and Pains of Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) develops when an elbow’s tendons are overworked, usually caused by repetitive motions of the wrist and arm. Chiropractic sports medicine is a vital element of physical training regimes and the treatment of aching injuries and conditions. At the office of Royal Chiropractic and Dental Centers, we offer skilled and experienced chiropractic care to support the […]